Ласкеровская премия


Премия Ласкера (англ. Lasker Award; Ласкеровская премия) — американская премия в области медицинских наук, которую рассматривают как «вторую Нобелевскую для США».



Премия впервые вручена в 1946 году. Свое название премия получила в честь американского бизнесмена и филантропа Albert Davis Lasker (1880 – 1952). Управление осуществляет Фонд Ласкера (Lasker Foundation), основанный самим Альбертом Ласкером и его женой Mary Woodward Lasker. Премию иногда называют "America's Nobels." Более семидесяти лауреатов премии Ласкера являются Нобелевскими лауреатами, из них половина в последние два десятилетия.[1] Президентом Фонда является Maria C. Freire.


Премии вручаются в нескольких номинациях (в сумме в размере около $250,000):

  • Basic (Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research) — за основополагающие исследования в области фундаментальных медицинских наук. Почти половина получивших эту премию затем получают Нобелевскую премию.
  • Clinical (Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award) — вручается лучшим практикующим врачам. В 2008 году была переименована в честь выдающегося американского кардиохирурга Майкла Дебейки.
  • Public Service — за продвижение федерального законодательства, финансирование и иную общественно значимую деятельность в области здравоохранения.


"For discoveries concerning nuclear reprogramming, the process that instructs specialized adult cells to form early stem cells — creating the potential to become any type of mature cell for experimental or therapeutic purposes."[2]
"For the development of molecularly-targeted treatments for chronic myeloid leukemia, converting a fatal cancer into a manageable chronic condition."[3]
"For employing sound science in political decision making; setting a world standard for the public's health as an impetus for government action; leading the way to reduce the scourge of tobacco use; and advancing public health through enlightened philanthropy."[4]


"For discoveries that revealed an unanticipated world of tiny RNAs that regulate gene function in plants and animals."[5]
"For the discovery of the statins — drugs with remarkable LDL-cholesterol-lowering properties that have revolutionized the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease."[6]
"For a 51-year career as one of the great microbe hunters of all time — he discovered the molecular nature of antibiotic resistance, revolutionized the way we think about how pathogens cause disease, and mentored more than 100 students, many of whom are now distinguished leaders in the fields of microbiology and infectious diseases."[1]


"For the discovery of dendritic cells—the preeminent component of the immune system that initiates and regulates the body's response to foreign antigens."[7]
"For the development of prosthetic mitral and aortic valves, which have prolonged and enhanced the lives of millions of people with heart disease."[8]
"For his role as the principal architect of two major U.S. governmental programs, one aimed at AIDS and the other at biodefense."[9]


"For the prediction and discovery of telomerase, a remarkable RNA-containing enzyme that synthesizes the ends of chromosomes, protecting them and maintaining the integrity of the genome"[10]
"For the development of cognitive therapy, which has transformed the understanding and treatment of many psychiatric conditions, including depression, suicidal behavior, generalized anxiety, panic attacks, and eating disorders."[11]
"For a distinguished 57-year career—as a founder of modern cell biology and the field of chromosome structure and function; bold experimentalist; inventor of in situ hybridization; and early champion of women in science."[12]


"For ingenious experiments that first identified a stem cell - the blood-forming stem cell - which set the stage for all current research on adult and embryonic stem cells."[13]
"For development of two powerful technologies - Southern hybridization and DNA fingerprinting - that together revolutionized human genetics and forensic diagnostics."[14]
"For creating one of the world's great foundations devoted to curing breast cancer and for dramatically increasing public awareness about this devastating disease."[15]









  1. ↑ The Lasker Foundation — 2008 Special Achievement Award
  2. The Lasker Foundation — 2009 Awards
  3. The Lasker Foundation — 2009 Awards
  4. The Lasker Foundation — 2007 Awards
  5. The Lasker Foundation — 2008 Awards
  6. The Lasker Foundation — 2008 Awards
  7. The Lasker Foundation — 2007 Awards
  8. The Lasker Foundation — 2007 Awards
  9. The Lasker Foundation — 2007 Awards
  10. The Lasker Foundation — 2006 Basic Medical Research Award
  11. The Lasker Foundation — 2006 Clinical Medical Research Award
  12. The Lasker Foundation — 2006 Special Achievement Award
  13. http://www.laskerfoundation.org/awards/library/2005basic.shtml
  14. http://www.laskerfoundation.org/awards/library/2005clinical.shtml
  15. The Lasker Foundation — 2005 Public Service Award


    • The Lasker Foundation

Ласкеровская премия.

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